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Updated: Feb 22, 2019

It's the New year! And somehow you feel like you need to have a plan on how you're going to be even more AMAZING as a human, as a girl boss, as a friend, as a lover and basically in everything you do right? We share 3 things you want to take into 2019 with you.

What we know for sure is that 2018 came with ALOT of lessons - it felt like the world was insane but at the same time the world was beautiful. We learnt many lessons in leadership and courage, and were inspired by so many women on the continent and around the world who together were a resounding voice for change and for equality NOW. Finally the world knows that TIMES UP, women are tired and women are here to lead.

Over the past few days, It was quite something to watch scores of our follows reflecting on the many personal, professional and spiritual lessons that they learnt last year, a resounding narrative is the "I've got to do bigger and I've got to be better". Here are a few things that we are taking into 2019.

Less is More

If 2018 taught us anything, its that less is actually more. We often feel so under pressure to maximize and expand and to take things to a higher vibration, and often we do that at the detriment of our existing plans and strategy. So, your hustle is doing well but you walk around feeling that it could be bigger- and you end up compromising on quality or even worse (your vision) to follow the 'level-up' wave. This year, we're thinking, while its important to be better at everything that we do, it is also crucial to be content with the level of investment we are putting into our organizations while being patient enough to yield a harvest from the seeds we've sown. If you look really hard you'll always find someone who seems to be flourishing more than you, its okay sis, trust your journey and be consistent in the pursuit of greatness. By all means, be agile, adapt, change when you need to- but be careful about what you say 'yes' to. If it isn't in line with your goals, give it a miss.

Evaluate and Appoint your Personal Board of Advisors

Most organizations have boards. The role of board is to provide governance and structure. As much as our organizations need a board- so do we! As a Girl Boss you almost always find yourself walking alone or with very few people due to the hectic schedule, juggling work, life AND your side-hustle. Make it a top priority this year to find 3-5 people whom you trust who will be your sounding-board from a personal and professional perspective.

Delegate like a Boss

Remember- you don't have to do it ALL by yourself. Identify people with the right skill-set and passion to help you! In 2019, being overwhelmed and overworked is a NO. Work hard, but work SMART. Plus, when you leverage your team you help them grow and develop faster.

Here's to another year of big wins, small wins and showing up like the #GirlBoss you are!

- Yours in Courage,

The MTWA Team

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