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We believe in building a strong pipeline and generation of female leaders. That's why we are paying it forward. 20% of the profit we make from our events and merchandise goes towards leadership and social entrepreneurship training for the girl-child in Africa. Through our flagship girl's initiative 'Presidential Girl'  in South Africa we aim to train girls between 12-16 with feminist based personal leadership skills to empower them to be leaders in their communities and in every sphere of life. Our first intake of 'Prez Girls' will participate in training in 2022. By purchasing a ticket to our events, donating cash, purchasing our 'Mama Raised A Continent' Merch or even investing your time as a volunteer- you are investing in a future President, President of a Board, CEO, Leader!

Presidential Girl: Empowering Girls to Lead.

Our big, hairy and audacious dream 



Let's Make A Change

Here are some ways you can be part of the change:

In Person

Volunteer your skills to our Presidential Girl workshops- as a speaker, trainer or group coach.


Shop our Merch. Purchase tickets. Share our vision on social media!

Over the Phone

Call us for more information on our events and programs. 

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